Saturday, 25 May 2019

Review: Voice Lessons for Parents

Some might grow up in a happy family while some may not. Some might not even have one. Despite learning from all these growing up processes, we should never assume that we are ready to be parents. I would strongly advise that you read books and watch programs that provide some guidance. Any literature or shows on the subject will provide a good starting point.

One such book is Voice Lessons for Parents - What to Say, How to Say It, and When to Listen by Dr. Wendy Mogel. If this is the first parenting book you read, then you will be surprised and enlightened by the topics covered.

The topics cover parenthood that starts from the newborn child up to the teenage years. Published in 2018, the book is current with stern warnings to parents on the negative effects of exposing the toddler to mobile devices too early.

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When reading a parenting book for the first time, there’s generally little experience in what to expect so the chapters after the first will be unexpected guidance and advice: Be amazed by how toddlers can quickly learn the trades by merely observing. The book points out how different young boys and girls can be, and then how much they change as they approach adolescence. These are important because as parents it’s crucial to know the child’s traits before connecting.

The book also prepares parents when the time comes to talk about difficult topics. I was surprised that the tough one is not just about the birds and the bees. There are death and money, too.

Besides topics that are directly related to parenting, there are a couple of chapters dedicated to dealing with separated parents, grandparents, nannies, teachers and other important figures that hold certain significance in the children’s life. Take for example how the teachers of the present are more cautious compared to teachers in the past. The book gives some general guidance on how to earn the teachers’ trust and entrust them to do their job.

I wouldn’t say this is the ultimate know all, tell all book but if you’re looking for your first read about parenting, I would recommend this as one of your first choices. As with any guides, this will serve only as a theoretical approach. You will still need to live out the experience yourself. Good luck!

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