Sunday, 22 March 2020

Review: Gone Girl

People love thrillers, especially those with so many twists and turns that by the end of the movie (or book), the good guy could well be the bad guy that is the good guy who becomes the baddest but ultimately the good guy that is bad and this goes on and on until the end is reached (and the most loved of the crop is where the ending is open for another sequel). The more twists the better. Gone Girl is one such movie but thankfully, the twists are well controlled and not as mindlessly overdone as some movies.

Ben Affleck and Rosamund Pike play the estranged couple Nick and Amy Dunne. Apparently, one morning after a walk by the beach, Nick goes home and finds evidence that Amy was attacked and she is nowhere to be found. So he goes to report to the police. The narration by Amy and back flashes in the early part of the movie reveals how their marriage had degraded over the years. Slowly, but surely, all the evidence points to Nick but is he guilty? If he is, what has he done to her?

While Rosamund Pike fits well into Amy’s role, I think anyone can become Nick if Ben Affleck’s acting is the threshold. Pike can express warmth and frost quite well but Affleck is just frustrated all the way.

I have a major gripe - I don’t understand why the movie is mostly in the dark. It could do with brighter scenes. Probably it’s just me but I always dislike movies with too many dark scenes. Instead of setting the mood, it becomes too straining. At least this one is not an action movie or else it’s difficult to distinguish who is fighting with whom.

The movie has just the right pace and is supported by a rather intelligent plot. These alone make the movie watchable although the nude scenes will limit it to a more mature audience.

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