Monday, 8 November 2021


I have been blogging for ages since creating Ionbuck’s Blog in January 2007 up until the more recent Random Shuffles in July 2018. IonBuck’s Blog is inspired by all the news aggregating sites out there. Random Shuffles exists because of my passion to write, especially stories, and to fulfil my dream to achieve financial independence as a writer.

Unfortunately, a decade and a half later, I have yet to achieve any of my blogging goals. The news that I shared and the short stories that I wrote hardly earned more than a few cents. Demotivated, my posts suffered but I soldiered on. And then, someone created Medium, an online publishing platform that allows writers to focus on creating content. If the content is popular and monetised, the money gushes in. Or so, I read. Needless to say, I tried it.

I am not having much success with Medium either but at least it generates enough income for a cup of coffee every year. You read it correctly. On average, I managed a few cents a month. Hahaha, but I’m still trying. I have managed to join a few publications for my short fiction so let’s see how it goes from there.

As a result, I have been reducing my content in Random Shuffles. Besides that, I have not been writing content for IonBuck’s Blog for years now other than the occasional post). At this moment, I am focused to publish my fiction on Medium. Given a choice, I would post my stories here, too, but due to the terms and conditions, I am not supposed to publish elsewhere.

The following are my latest short stories (in publishing order) on Medium. Do feel free to visit!

It mocks the higher echelons on how they bully their subordinates but still have to submit to their customers. My original title was “Who’s Boss?” but somehow, when The Creative Cafe published it, they’ve changed it to the above. Doesn’t sound right but still, it was my first story posted via a Medium publisher. 

2. Yellow, Yellow 
A self-centred guy tries to impress his girlfriend but in the process, drags his friends along.

3. Danger in the Woods
A family goes back to nature but the city kids are not too keen until they discover what lies within the forest.

4. Rotten Baker
A baker drives away a hungry boy and gets what he deserves.

5. Breakfast for Granted
A kid takes his parents for granted his whole life until they decided to teach him a lesson.

6. Magic Seed
A lonely child visits his grandparents and brings back an unusual seed with magic that goes beyond his wildest dreams.

More to come. Stay tuned!

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